Dynamic Soil Volume Calculator

Autoflowering plants do best planted in their final containers whenever possible, to save losing days to transplant stress
Consider not keeping plants in Seedling Phase past 14-21 days. For extended growth:
  • Stage up to larger pots for vegetative growth, or
  • Pot directly into final containers where possible
Note: The calculations given are intended as a guide only, it is based on real world trials and experience, and user submitted data. While intended to give an accurate dataset, always ensure you double check calculations and use your own best judgement.

Bag Breakdown (100% volume):

Why this much soil? How are the recommendations calculated?

To achieve the best results with your organic soil, sufficient room needs to be available for the roots of your plants, the microbes that live on/in the roots, and food for them to break down. Because all of the food needs to be contained predominantly in the medium, this by its very nature, requires more space for optimal results. Soils which are not going to be supplemented (e.g Water Only) require more soil volume to ensure optimum nutrition. A smaller soil volume is able to be optimised through various levels of supplementation.

The calculator takes multiple factors based on your plant type, grow space-area, lighting, phase of growth and dynamically factors soil volumes designed for optimal use-case scenarios. It is based on extensive feedback & trials on our products.

Small Buffer

Total: 0 L | Per Plant: 0 L

Adequate Buffer

Total: 0 L | Per Plant: 0 L

Luxury Buffer

Total: 0 L | Per Plant: 0 L